Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Some random thoughts about The Last Jedi...

The characters never change. One of the main aspects of any story is that the characters develop. The sum of a character needs to be more at the end of the film than at the beginning. After all, the point of any story is to tell...well...a story that is interesting and has value.

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Video games and simplicity

I find myself thinking, a lot, about video games and simplicity. I am curious about how games make the undesirable desirable. Some games make us want to grind, whereas other games do not. I think there are many variables in games that entice us to do things we would normally run away from in real life. However, I think the best games reward us through simplicity by offering us growth.

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Vituality in Virtual Teams

Virtuality is an important characteristic of virtual teams. Virtuality describes the distance between team members and the level of reliance on technology platforms to do work. Virtuality does impact team outcomes and can be influenced by team members' skill with particular platforms and the routines that organize the use of such platforms.


For more on information on virtuality see:

Foster, M. K., Abbey, A., Callow, M. A., Zu, X., & Wilbon, A. D. (2015). Rethinking virtuality and its impact on teams.... Small Group Research, 46(3), 267-299. doi:10.1177/1046496415573795

Honing my problem statement

My current problem statement is: It is not known how swift trust influences how temporary virtual team members adapt to disruptions.

The themes coming out of this problem statement are temporary groups, virtual teams, team adaptation, and swift trust. Dr. Cook is challenging how swift trust ties into the need. I think he's right in this regard. I went back to the literature but I can’t tie swift trust specifically to the need. 

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Minimizing my wardwrobe

Walking the road of minimalism means getting rid of things. I decided to reduce my wardrobe first. I was thinking about what I should keep and what I should throw out. This proved to be more challenging than I originally thought.

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It's August...

When I started my blog and website, my intention was to post to it frequently. I started this site just as I was starting my doctoral program. Nobody can prepare you how demanding a doctoral program is. My adviser tried to warn me. However, there's something about a doctoral program for which no amount of warnings or conversations can prepare. A doctoral program is just something a person must experience for themselves.

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