Off to NYC!

Flying to New York City! I'm excited for this trip. New York is a great city to visit. I would love to live there, but I think I could only handle it for a few years. This trip is purely for enjoyment. I am leaving all work behind. I'm hoping to visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 9/11 Memorial and museum, Central Park, The Empire State Building, and Times Square. Not too mention I plan to eat lots of great food and just experience the city. It's going to be cold, but it will still be a great time.


I had a need for a corkboard. Weird request, I know. I was thinking of getting a large board to hang in my office. I wanted to place cards on it to help organize the structure of my dissertation. The only problem with an analog approach is I can't review it when I'm not home. So I loved for some applications that could solve the problem. After test driving a few sites I settled on Padlet. It meets my requirements of a corkboard and it also has a mobile application that works well. I've started filling in the board with cards and I think it will work well.

Use cases in Big Data

Big Data continues to be a hot topic button in the world of business intelligence and analytics (BIA). Speaking of...I wrote a down and dirty white paper on BIA that outlines a road map managers can use to evaluate their organizations and implement BIA. I'll likely upload it to my blog soon.

Anyway, uses cases...Big Data.... Check out some of the cool ways companies are using data to reduce costs, create new business strategies, and build competitive advantage. Just follow the link.

Big Data use cases


Agile and Scrum are not just for software

When I first started down the Agile path, I was skeptical. Over the years I developed a deeper appreciation for it. What's funny is, it wasn't Agile's software development methodology that prompted my linking; rather it was the organizational development concepts of Agile that drove my liking of the concept.

If you know anything about me, you know that even though I like something, I always seem to have a problem with everything.

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Software development is like making a TV show.

One of the challenges with software development is that non-technical people in organizations are the ones who solicit software projects. Business leaders, particularly those in marketing positions, demand software and also demand that the new software is not released until it is "done." However, name one person who actually believes that software reaches a done state where zero updates and upgrades are needed.

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Upcoming articles

Developing two articles:

  1. How organizational design impedes projects.
  2. User stories are born from analysis.

More to follow on these concepts...

Research continues...

It's been awhile, but I'm still here and still working. My research continues at a brisk pace, and I must say the process is tiring but rewarding. I am still focused on video games, particularly virtual worlds and what scholars of organizational design theory can learn from players in online virtual worlds. I'm quite excited about it, and I hope to piece my study together over the coming weeks.  I am already looking at new studies and how my research will expand after this initial phase is completed. However, this first phase is important because of the framework that will be born out of it.