I've been following two guys on Twitter who call themselves The Minimalists. I first learned about them on Netflix. They are proponents of minimalism which is a consumerism philosophy that less is more. In other words, we are trapped by our possessions.
A few years ago I relocated from one city to another. In the process of doing so, I threw out bags upon bags of junk I had collected. The process of shedding so much junk was very uplifting. Since that time I've accumulated some more junk and it's time to do another massive purge. Now that I'm aware of this thing called minimalism I want to make the less is more paradigm a way of life.
After spending some time on The Minimalists' website and reading some of their blog posts, I've decided that now is the time. I'm prepared that this will take a couple of months to implement. Mainly because of my busy schedule. That's not an excuse, just a realistic constraint that I need to work around. I figure any little step towards my minimalist existence is one step closer to that goal.
So where exactly to begin?
The Minimalists suggest making a plan. They call it a plan, but it's really more of a philosophy. Well, actually, it's a mission statement only in bullet point form. I decided to take their advice and create my own mission/philosophy/plan as a first.
My Minimalist Mission (3M)
- I must change.
- I must stop wasting money.
- I must get rid of my junk.
- I mjust eat good and healthy food.
- I must exercise more.
- I must write more.
- I must retain my video game and comic book hobbies.
- I must streamline my wardrobe.
- I must have a vision.
- I must enjoy my life.
- I must save for the future.
- I must attend Lodge.
- I must coninnue to learn.
- I must continue my research.
- I must drink coffee.
- I must drink wine.