Nite Team 4

I fell into the abyss that is Nite Team 4. That's not a bad thing. It's quite a good thing.

Nite Team 4 is a game on Steam. It's essentially an ARG (Alternate Reality Game). You play as you, but you're a member of an elite hacker group. The game is filled with missions where you must hack into networks to uncover secrets and perform espionage. 

The game's developers released an add on called Administrator. It's a toolset that allows you to create missions for other players to solve. I live telling stories and this toolset is an interesting way to tell an interactive story. 

If you're fascinated by hacking and cyber espionage, then check it out. The hours just melt by.

Video games and simplicity

I find myself thinking, a lot, about video games and simplicity. I am curious about how games make the undesirable desirable. Some games make us want to grind, whereas other games do not. I think there are many variables in games that entice us to do things we would normally run away from in real life. However, I think the best games reward us through simplicity by offering us growth.

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Taking a turn with my research

My initial research was heavily focused on business process management. I realized that while I am interested in that general topic, it is quite bland. I've recently adjusted my research into an area I am more passionate about - video games.

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