Darn you microphone!

I just realized that Loom was defaulting my microphone to the built-in mic on my camera. The sound of some of my videos is awful. Well it’s not great. Oh well. Adapt and overcome I guess. I’ll have to double-check the microphone before I record.

Live and learn, I guess.

It's been a long time.

I need to get back here on a regular basis. I need to find some way to blog at least once a week. I’ll see what I can do on that front.

My lack of posting is because of my often hectic schedule. I’ve been busy earning a doctoral degree. I’m almost finished. I just need to defend and then I’ll pretty much be done. Hopefully that will happen in the next few weeks.

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Honing my problem statement

My current problem statement is: It is not known how swift trust influences how temporary virtual team members adapt to disruptions.

The themes coming out of this problem statement are temporary groups, virtual teams, team adaptation, and swift trust. Dr. Cook is challenging how swift trust ties into the need. I think he's right in this regard. I went back to the literature but I can’t tie swift trust specifically to the need. 

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Trying something new.

I'm not sure how "new" it really is, but I guess I'm playing around on the Interwebs.

I started this webpage as a place to build my brand as a thought leader in the area of organizational development. Don't get me wrong, I've still got a long journey ahead of me. At the same time I wanted it to be a personal corner of the Internet where I could post my thoughts on various things that I'm interested in. I've struggled with that definition. Like anybody, I have my opinions on a variety of things. Should my opinions, especially in a blog, be available for people to see who may be coming here to gain a better understanding of who I am as a professional? To a certain degree, I say yes.

However, do I think it is a appropriate if everybody sees my blog?  Or should I have different blogs for different audiences?

The first thing I decided was that a blog was a great way to keep developing my craft as a writer. I certainly do not see my blog gaining a large readership that anticipates my next post. Just the opposite, in fact. You see, a blog is more for my personal development rather than for other readers. The writings I do want (hope?) people to read are my articles on a given topic. The types of articles I write for this site is a similar, but different, argument as well.

To satisfy my desire to write, and to keep things separate regarding my personal viewpoints about topics and a more professional viewpoint on business topics, I created a Wordpress blog. No, I'm not going to link to it from this site. It's also not under my real name and email so people won't find it if they go searching. Although, I'm sure a steely eyed reporter from the New York Times would find it in 5 minutes if I were running for president, but I digress.

I know I'm not the only person in this world who has different masks that they wear in public. There's that professional (or semi-professional) mask we all wear when we are with colleagues, at work, or just generally in public. Then there's a relaxed mask we wear when we're out in public in much more casual environments. These are still public personas, and each is very much who we are as individuals. However, we use different language and allow our different opinions to fly depending on the environment. This website is for the former, the Wordpress blog is for the latter. Both sites are designed to focus myself as a writer.

Enough of that. I'm off to work.

Team U.S.A wins 3rd World Cup title

For the first time in history, the women's US national team won the World Cup. I watched the game and it was, essentially, over in the first 15 minutes. By minute 16 the USA was dominating 4 to 0 over Japan. The final score was 5 to 2.

This win marked a fantastic ending to the 4th of July weekend. Congratulations to Team USA on a spectacular win. Ladies, you made your country proud.

Let's go Team U.S.A!

Later today the USA women's soccer team will compete to bring home the FIFA World Cup. I am not that big of a soccer fan, but I do enjoy cheering for Team USA in competitions such as these. I'll be watching the game and celebrating my country(wo)men. Bring home the Cup and close out this amazing July 4th weekend!

A "tax" on customers for donations?

When a company donates money to an organization, is this a "tax" on customers? Should the government be the entity to give money to (i.e. subsidize) these organizations instead?

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Thinking about research

I'm working on my dissertation and I've been reading a ton of articles on game theory. Trying to get a good handle on the concept and searching for gaps in previous research. I'm struggling to find articles that discuss studies that have been done--particularly articles that discuss where further research should be focused. I'm not sure if this speaks the anemic amount of research done on the topic in recent years or if my searches just aren't finding what I'm looking for. There are a ton of articles I have yet to explore so I'm hoping my research will turn up something useful in the next few weeks.

In other news, I've been able to spend some time with my boys this weekend. Spartacus, my curious little boy decided that he needed attention just when I would sit down to work. Of course. He's adorable so I can't refuse him. I was able to get a lot done, however, so the weekend wasn't a total loss.

This week I've got a lot going on. I've got a meeting tomorrow after work and I'm attending a talk on campus on Tuesday. Looking forward to both. 

Website changes

I keep playing with the layout of my site. It will never be considered "done" so I guess that's okay. For me the layout is important while also allowing me the affordability to post content that I want to share on the intertubes. (I saw "intertubes" last week on Twitter and loved it so much I keep looking for ways to inject it into everyday vocabulary.)

The Main page will link to things I feel are important to my research and areas of expertise. This here Blog page is new and allows me to muse on things I find particularly muse-worthy. It also helps me remain focused on Information Management and Digital Media by giving me a separate place for various random things. I was concerned that I couldn't write about odd ball topics because they would be posted to my specific content blogs--which are places random thoughts just don't belong.

We'll see how this new layout goes.