Team U.S.A wins 3rd World Cup title

For the first time in history, the women's US national team won the World Cup. I watched the game and it was, essentially, over in the first 15 minutes. By minute 16 the USA was dominating 4 to 0 over Japan. The final score was 5 to 2.

This win marked a fantastic ending to the 4th of July weekend. Congratulations to Team USA on a spectacular win. Ladies, you made your country proud.

Let's go Team U.S.A!

Later today the USA women's soccer team will compete to bring home the FIFA World Cup. I am not that big of a soccer fan, but I do enjoy cheering for Team USA in competitions such as these. I'll be watching the game and celebrating my country(wo)men. Bring home the Cup and close out this amazing July 4th weekend!