What can video games teach us about decision-making?

I'm reading a book titled "How to measure anything: Finding the value of intangibles in business" by Douglas W. Hubbard. It's a great book. It talks about how to approach difficult business problems so you can find meaningful ways to measure things that are often considered too complex to measure. If you work in the domain of analytics, then there is plenty to learn in this book.

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Avengers: Infinity War

I just came back from watching Avengers: Infinity War. I have mixed emotions on the entire event. Perhaps its because I've read The Infinity Gauntlet on which this film is based and various other Marvel comics that make their imprint on the movie. Let me get right to the good stuff before hitting the spoilers and the areas I felt were problematic.

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Way too many ideas....

I am still in the middle of planning my research. In the process of planning, I keep coming up with great ideas I want to pursue. I need to get this research project finished so I can start work on the next project.

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Thinking about exploratory work and team adaptation

I was once considered a hardcore raider. I played a warrior tank in vanilla WoW. The guild in which I was a member was the number 1 guild on my server. However, raiding back then was a lot different than it is now. Hardcore raiding involved 40 people. We spent weeks learning and adapting our playstyles to down a single boss. It took a couple of months to clear Molten Core and Black Wing Lair.

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A new year: 2018

Well the new year started. There are a lot of people who are sharing their thoughts about 2017 with the world. I thought about doing the same, but quickly decided against it. Instead I'm looking forward to the great things that 2018 will bring.

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Simplicity of design

I read, and continue to study, John Maeda's book titled The Laws of Simplicity. The concept of simplicity pairs nicely with the concept of minimalism. However, a look at the two will have to come later.

I really enjoyed the book. It is written from the perspective of design, which makes sense since Maeda is a designer. There is a lot of great information for anybody who deals with design in their daily lives. I do think there is plenty of opportunity to apply the idea of simplicity to things outside of design.

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