I watched Arizona teachers strike this week. I also watched as teachers posted memes and their thoughts about the strike on social media. Some of these people are friends and family. For the most part, I had very little sympathy for their plight.
I felt many of their arguments were naive and illogical. I felt the RedForEd movement was nothing but smoke and mirrors for socialist Democrat policies to be put forth. I didn't believe, and still don't, believe the teachers had an argument to strike. I laid out my argument in my article on WesternFreePress.com.
I know that not all teachers wanted to strike. I know that all teachers are not socialists, although I think conservative teachers are few. I understand that my friends and family are convince conflicted over the strike. I want to be considerate of their position. It's difficult to do that when I want to also protect the Arizona economy and tax payer money.
If teachers are that unhappy, then I think they should quit. I stopped teaching because teaching was no longer economically advantageous. If their pay is truly meager, then many teachers would probably do well to change careers, even if that means taking entry level positions.