Avengers: Infinity War

I just came back from watching Avengers: Infinity War. I have mixed emotions on the entire event. Perhaps its because I've read The Infinity Gauntlet on which this film is based and various other Marvel comics that make their imprint on the movie. Let me get right to the good stuff before hitting the spoilers and the areas I felt were problematic.

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Way too many ideas....

I am still in the middle of planning my research. In the process of planning, I keep coming up with great ideas I want to pursue. I need to get this research project finished so I can start work on the next project.

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Off to NYC!

Flying to New York City! I'm excited for this trip. New York is a great city to visit. I would love to live there, but I think I could only handle it for a few years. This trip is purely for enjoyment. I am leaving all work behind. I'm hoping to visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 9/11 Memorial and museum, Central Park, The Empire State Building, and Times Square. Not too mention I plan to eat lots of great food and just experience the city. It's going to be cold, but it will still be a great time.