I originally tried The Secret World (TSW) at launch. I had mixed emotions about the game. The setting intrigued me, but I felt the gameplay was lacking. I think I got to about level 10 before I just couldn't stomach the gameplay anymore and quit playing. However, now Funcom has re-imagined TSW into The Secret World Legends (TSWL). I think the use of "legends" is only to differentiate between the two game mechanics.
So what's changed?
Game mechanics. The mechanics are completely different. Tab targeting is gone. You no longer target a mob, but rather you use your abilities by lining up your reticle. This means the game plays like a first-person shooter even though the perspective is in third-person. Combat is more fluid and more fun than it was before. The combat isn't great, but it is much more enjoyable than your standard MMO fare.
Abilities. The skill wheel is gone. In its place are ability kits. You select two kits at character creation. Each kit has a tree of three branches. As you gain experience points you unlock points which you can use to buy new abilities within the different branches. There are active abilities and passive ones. There are two types of points used to buy active and passive abilities respectively.
You can unlock different abilities from kits that you did not purchase. This gives you the ability to customize your character as you level-up. Fans of TSW will like the fact that you're not locked into two kits throughout your character's lifespan. So if you want to unlock abilities to be a damage dealer, but then shift into a completely different set of abilities to tank or heal--you can.
Unfortunately, you can only have 6 equipped abilities at any given time. You have to prepare different loadouts for different types of situations. If you're going to be a tank, then switch to your tanking loadout.
The toolbar. The toolbar is a bit odd. You equip your abilities into slots on the toolbar. However, rather than your toolbar mapping from 1 to 6 it is mapped like so: Q, 1, 2, E, Right-mouse, Left-mouse. I understand the mouse buttons because of the reticle combat, but the Q, 1, 2, E mapping is just odd. Especially if you're dodging around in combat, trying to move (with WASD) while hitting Q or E is problematic. I guess that's what key mapping is for.
Equipment. You can combine loot. I'm not sure if this was a thing in TSW, but it is a thing in TSWL. My character is currently level 13. I continue to find items that are level 1, 2, or 3. However, you can use similar types of items to increase the level (and thus stats) of an item you're currently wearing. After several hours of playing, all of my equipment is around level 11. It's a nice way to keep from selling a bunch of junk.
Story and setting. The story and setting of TSWL is the same. Which means, it's way cool. If there's one thing Funcom does best in TSWL, it's story. The voice acting in cut scenes is pretty good. The story elements and theme of the different settings is excellent. I've been enjoying the storyline so much that I can't wait to keep playing and exploring the world.
I'm having a lot more fun with TSWL than I ever did with TSW.