Star Wars: Rogue One

Like everyone else in America, Europe, and Canada I saw Rogue One. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but I admit I was skeptical going into the theater. I didn't love the film, but I didn't hate the film either. Act 1 was a bit tedious and cliched. How many times do we have to see the protagonist motivated by being an orphan? Act 2 was boring in parts and showed further evidence that the Rebellion is nothing more than a terrorist organization. Act 3 was the best part of the film--and it showed us why Darth Vader is someone who is feared.

Actually, the reason why I think Rogue One succeeded so well is it restored the mystique of Lord Vader. Unfortunately, Vader gets so little screen time. I kept thinking the entire time that Vader should've been the villain of this movie--I wanted more of him.

My biggest problem with the film was its lack of Jedi. For me, Star Wars has always been about two things: Force users and starfighter battles. Remove the Jedi and all you have left is a heist film with a sci-fi gloss on it. Even the starfighter battles were watered down versions of their former glory. No Force users, very little Vader, and anemic starfighter battles. It's as if the film is a giant tease.

I realize that my take on the film makes it sound as if I hated it. I actually didn't hate it. In fact I do want to see it again. It was a fun romp through a universe I've loved and cherished since I was 4. Perhaps I'll gain a different appreciation of it with a second helping.

