There is really nothing special about Mass Effect's story. The story centers on a human who must overcome the odds and save the galaxy. It's a story gamers have been playing for decades. And of course humanity are teenagers in a universe of mature and technologically advanced races. The same types of races found in fictional worlds like Star Trek or Babylon 5.
The connection many gamers have, my self included, are the relationships you develop with each of the characters who make up most of the crew on your ship. These characters are wonderfully written and excellently voice acted. Quips between cut scenes are interesting, colorful, and often humorous. The deeper interactions between the crew and Shepard (the main character) are meaningful and build connections with the player.
In a gaming industry where many pundits believe the average gamer wants nothing more than action, games such as Mass Effect are proof that deep characterizations can win the day. It's always fun to save the universe, it's even more fun to do it with friends.
Thanks BioWare.