The dreaded SOP...

I used to work in an industry where everything was driven by the mighty SOP. The industry is heavily regulated and subject to government inspection. During those dreaded weeks when an investigator came to our doors, the organization became a hive of super-activity. People raced from meeting room to meeting room frantically watching what they said and printing off documents that proved we followed our SOPs.

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Strategic Planning Using COBIT 5

IT organizations have a difficult time drafting a path for future growth and direction. The nature of IT is to be constantly working against timelines so of course long term vision planning is the first to take a backseat to the day to day activities. Organizations still need to devote time to planning and COBIT 5 can be a means of focusing attention on areas needing improvement.

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BPM as a Service Market to grow by 37.18%

Hopefully this trend will pan out and continue beyond 2019. BPM is definitely the way to go when it comes to streamlining the value chain and developing a firm's competitive advantage.

Check out the article here.

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How Great Leader's Inspire

Simon Sinek's TED talk provides a methodology for inspiring leadership. It's a great 20 minutes that shouldn't be missed.

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Benefits of BPM

BPM or Business Process Management.

I was in the process of writing up an article that describes the many benefits of BPM (for the uninitiated) when I came across the following article. Why re-invent the wheel? Below is a brief excerpt from the article and you can catch the full write-up after the jump.

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