I have to admit things are getting easier. Perhaps they get easier before they get harder. I don’t know. I still don’t know what I’m doing half the time.
Such is the nature of starting a podcast.
I have questions about what I should or shouldn’t do. Do I need better lighting? Does it matter? Do I need a sound/mixing board (whatever the hell those things are)? Do I need to edit and spend a lot of time planning each episode so it ends at exactly the same time each time?
I have a vision for what I’m trying to create. I intend to stick to that vision for the time being until my assumptions are proven wrong.
In the meantime, our third episode is up and available for mass consumption!
If you head over to fusionunderground.net you can find all the links and ways to watch/listen to the show. We are recording video for each episode. The videos can be found on Bit Chute and YouTube. You can also find the direct RSS feed to the podcast right from the site, as well as links to download the podcast from local favorites like Google Podcast and Spotify.
Getting ready to launch
We keep talking about launching the podcast for real. The truth of the matter is it’s already launched. Anybody can find us. We planned to do a few dress rehearsals to work out the kinks and just try to figure out what we were doing. With this last episode we feel ready to just get out there in an official capacity. So the next episode will be Season 1 Episode 1.
Are we changing much for the official launch? No, not really. It’s not like we’ve got some crazy marketing plan waiting in the wings to start. So don’t expect fireworks.
I’m having a lot of fun doing this. I get to talk about things I’m interested in and I get to do it with one of my best friends in the entire world.